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Sicard Flat Pipeline Project


The Sicard Flat Pipeline replaces nearly ten miles of open ditch with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe.  The project results in an estimated annual water savings of approximately 3,000 acre-feet of water, which is equivalent to six percent of the usable storage in Collins Lake and three weeks of water delivery. 


The funding for the project includes $2 million from USBR (WaterSmart grant) and $2 million from YWA.   Project construction is expected to be completed in four phases and occur over the next three to five years. Construction is being completed in-house by BVID staff.  The sizes of pipe being installed range from 8-inch to 30-inch diameter.

Map of Sicard FLat Pipeline phases.


During the 2023 irrigation Season, the BVID construction crew was able to complete piping phase 1 and several hundred feet of phase 3. 

Photos of Phase 1


On October 23, pipe construction started on Phase 4 and a portion of Phase 2, which together equals roughly a mile and a half of ditch to be converted to pipe.  Progress on these phases is weather dependent and is expected to be complete by start of the 2024 irrigation season.

Additional updates to follow as the project progresses.

Photos of Phase 4

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